Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Is there a Heaven for an Edomite?

     Obadiah 1;1 - 21 Foretells the destruction of the Edomite race for the crimes he has done against his brother Jacob.  Obadiah 1;18, And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them: and there shall not be any remaining of he house of Esau: for the Lord Has Spoken It!"
     Now because of time I am not going to write here the complete Book of Obadiah but have included a highlight you will have to just open the Kings James Bible... the 1600 addition and read it for yourselves.  Remember nothing that Yah has said will come back void.  If Yah has put it in his holy bible whether it is in the old or new Testament then surely it will come to pass why???  "For The Lord Has Spoken It!"  Enough Said?
     So Yah has in his plan the destruction of the Edomite race, so is there a heaven for an Edomite?  Some Edomites are beginning to question the lies they have inherited from the world and ask us will they after death be allowed to go into Heaven?  The answer is truth but not an answer to tingle their ears or to make them feel good, but truth is as it is written in the holy bible and is the judgement of Yah.
     So in truth Edomites will fill the depths of Hell, that is their destiny spoken of in the book of Obadiah.  For you crimes against Jacob, against the earth, and against God.  That is why they are going to be cut off by great slaughter.. as it is described in Obadiah.  Every White Man who is alive in that day shall parish off of the face of the earth why because that is the judgement of GOD as it is written in Obadiah.  So it does not matter what anyone thinks about that ... what Yah has said shall come to be no getting around that.  So to answer the white mans question... your days are numbered.  And why would Yah wipe you from the face of the earth and then put you in Heaven?
     So obviously that is a question that answer's itself.  Now for the Edomite women... will their fate be exactly the same as their men?  According to the word of God the nation of a people is held within the seed of the man not the women.  So the Edomite race began with the birth of Esau & and it will end with his distruction.  His seed was the Edomite Nation established and the extinction of his seed is how the Edomite Nation will be no more in existance.  However one must note that the women... does not carry the seed of the Edomite Nation, thus even though the Edomite man will be destroyed to fulfill Obadiah's prophecy the female need not be.
     When Yah destroys the White man off of the face of the earth the Edomite race will discontinue, and shall never rise again.  However women produce babies after the seed of the man so a white women can still be useful in producing our Hebrew seed meaning the white women will not be destroyed from the face of the earth only the white man.  The white women will be slaves to the Israelite Nation and will produce babies from the seed of Jacob.  Per the Bible the Natural use of a women is to make babies... white women in that day will produce babies of our seed.
     Isaiah 14;2  "And the People shall take them, and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel shall process them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaidens:  and they shall take them captives, who's captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors."  So as you can see those who have oppressed will be our slaves and we shall oppress them.  When Hebrews was slaves in America the white man raped our wives and daughters... so you can bet these white women left over in the world will be taken as our slaves and will be forced to bare our children.
     So for you white women who have never been with a Hebrew Man know this truth... you will become very experienced with us personally and you will love it... in that day!  Isaiah 60;12  "For the Nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea those nations shall be utterly wasted."  So anyone who refuses to serve us will be destroyed... nation or individuals.  So the white women is going to serve her master on her hands and knees and that is just the truth!  Now you see why Vengeance is the Lord's because no one can do it like him.
     Isaiah 60;22  "A little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation; I the Lord will hasten it in his time."  The Hebrew Nation is a small nation... but in that day when he comes and we rise he will give us 7 wives to one man and a great number of servants and slaves any and all of which we will take as bed warmers and they will bear our children.  So our nation is going to go from being small... to great in number very quickly, and best believe the white women will be apart of our diversified bed warmers.
     So in truth in that day, the Edomite women with no White men being left alive on the earth will be our property and will bear our black children our seed, and the Edomite Race will cease to exist forever thus saith the Lord.  Those women will be spared from the fate of their Edomite Men's destruction by serving us vigorously in all of the ways we command them to in that day.  This is the perfect Judgement of the Lord... those who took our wives as their bed warmers during slavery we will take their wives, daughters as bed warmers as they had done to us so shall we do to them.
     However white women won't be our only slaves there will be other nations who are enslaved by us because they had a hand in American Slavery.  We will have men and women of other nations as slaves as well.  The other nations will flock to us and beg us to take them as slaves why?  Because we are the only one's where Yeshua will reside and the only way to come close to him is through bondage of his people.  That is the only way described in the bible... so now of course no one wants to be a slave but in that day of the Lord... you other nations will demand for us to enslave you, or face destruction.
     Can the Edomite be redeemed?  Ref: Hebrews 12;16 - 19 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.  17, For ye know that afterwards, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected; for he found no place of Repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. 18, For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest.  19, And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more."  
      This tells it all don't you think?  Yah says that Esau/Edomite Nation will not be forgiven... even when they cry and beg Yah/Yeshua to forgive them, but he will not forgive them because of all that they have done to his people and to the world at large.  The Lord has spoken it so it will not be changed.  The only one who has a chance is the white women... through her submission to the authority of the Hebrew who will rule this  world when Yeshua Returns Shalom.

     "Don't you cry for that white women, though on her knees she at least has the potential to live among the people of Yah.  When her nations perishes she shall survive and our children through her shall rule the world with Yeshua Ha-Mashiach for a thousand years."  Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew

For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"  

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End of Days Current Events

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  1. While African Americans are here protesting against whitey-the white devils, it is white Israel who is helping your own people who are dying and starving and some need clean water so "bad" whitey is bringing them food and building water purification systems and teaching them how to cultivate their lands and about the Gospel which is more important than all of these things. Does that sound like an enemy to you? You only I have 3 black slave ancestors from 10+ generations back and I don't hate blacks it's the opposite. I want you to know the truth and seek peace and love between us. Most African Americans are part white too so if we were Edom you would be too. But we are not that name is connected to the fake J oo s who hate us whites and all Christians and have been taking over our nations and are going to cause a class warfare between us! THEY are the true enemies of all people. Edom was always to be much smaller in number compared to true Israel and there are the same number of whites to blacks on the planet(roughly 1 billion of each) so neither of us could be Edom BUT a sub group of one of our groups could be like the 16 million J oo s! But yeah, Paul acknowledged that the Scythians(later called Saxons), the upper Barbarians(also acknowledged by Josephus) and the Greeks and the Roman's were all Israelites from the Dispersion into Europe(where Paul's letters to the 12 Tribes went). It is what it is. And we need to know this truth otherwise the J oo s will cause us to kill each other
    They are behind all of these protests and a black guy who was in BLM got out and said it was compromised(definitely the J oo s infiltrated and gained control and are funding it to cause racial hatred of the blacks against whites. Antifa is 100% J oo sh too. And on the right God has given me insight to see that the Boogaloo Boys and the Proud Boys are also J oo s! Also most(if not all) of these "white racist" confrontation videos are of J oo s and crypto J oo s pretending to be white racists in order to fan the flames of hatred against whites! They will start this war as they control both sides! We must support our fellow Christians-black or white because I believe this class war is only the first step to total war against America by China and probably Russia and other antichrist communist countries! They want to make us weaker so it's easier for our enemies to come in and attack us! I promise you that white Christians are NOT your enemies. Please join us as God will eventually come to save us(but not before many of our peoples are slaughtered!) Turn to God for the truth of what I am saying and I hope we can be brothers in Christ and fight the evil that is soon to come upon us all! God bless.

    1. The "You only" was a writing error. I was saying that I am a small part black myself as I have 3 black ancestors which comes out to 2% Sub Saharan African on my dna tests. Peace.
