Why does the bible call the identity of Babylon a Mystery? We are living in the last days and yet still no one seems to know what country is Babylon. Is this not curious to you... if Christianity is truth then why do they not know the simple Identity of Babylon even in these later days? The reason of course is that Christianity is Deceived and deceive the people of the world. They don't commune with the most high thus they do not know truth... the only nation he communes with is Israel. Ref: Deuteronomy 4;2 - 9.
Like of old the only one that can reveal to you the secrets of the bible/word of God is the people whom are the children of Yah whom the Laws was given to in the first place. Only they know Yah and are known by Yah... NO ONE ELSE. That is why Christianity and all other man made religions fall short of Yah's inspiration and knowledge of the Holy Word. They may have the bible but have no understanding to what it truly means... so they guess or all out lie concerning Yah and his son Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.
If you can't understand the word of Yah because you are not Israelite... then how would you know what the Christians tell you about the bible was Right or wrong? This is why in the bible it says that the world lives in darkness... because if you can't see then you can not differentiate Truth from Lies. The only way to see the truth is with Light!
Hebrews was suppose to be the light of the world... But we sinned against the most High who cursed us for 400 years. During that punishment the Gentiles took the scrolls of our people and attempted to take over the Ministry of The Lord. But this Ministry was never given to them... nor was they blessed to understand what the Lord's word truly says. They are blind and can not see, or they see but can not understand, why because Yah never gave them the right to know him and never will.
Now the non white male, Christians will be broken in the Great Tribulation that is spoken of in Revelations, and those Christians will submit to the truth about Yah being his chosen people will inherit this world and all nations will serve us... and those who shall be saved will only be so through servitude under the Hebrew Nation. Ref: Isaiah 60;12 & 14.
God will destroy all Edomites (White Men) Ref; Obadiah 1;1 - 26. This is one reason you should realize that the white man who created Christianity have no understanding of the book he stole from the children of Yah. How dumb can he be... stealing a book that convicts his race to destruction... so what does he do... tells the world Jesus died for the world... even though the Hebrews know that Yeshua died for our salvation not the worlds. Isaiah 22;18 - 25, Isaiah 27;1 - 6, Isaiah 33;22 and so much more that it would take me way too much time putting it all down.
However at the same time this is what he is going to tell you other Nations... Christians or otherwise! Isaiah 34;1 - 6. See no way Christianity understand the bible because they have no idea how they as Gentile Nations can be saved in the last days. The Rapture is a Lie!!! The Marriage between the Gentile Church and Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is another BIG Lie! Let me a Hebrew ... child of the most High tell you truth as only my people can. Those of us of course who obey Yah's Commandments/Statues/Laws. The Marriage that Yah is reffering too is talked about in Jeremiah 1;1 - 4 with the house of Israel. Not some deceived Gentile who knows not Yah.
But wait just to bush the paint about the Gentile/Heathens who have stolen our book and presume to attempt to teach us with the very book that was given to us by our GOD. Ref: Isaiah 40;15 - 17. This is our God telling you other nations just what he thinks of you in comparisen to his holy Children which you have enslaved. Yet he tells us Isaiah 41;14 that he so much loves us. But wait there's more... Yah Explains Isaiah 44;5 " One shall say; I am the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand onto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel. 9, They that make a graven image are all of them Vanity: and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed."
Do you see and yet not understand? Sigh? What this means is simple... God is calling out all those who think they can replace God's people since we are their captives. (Muslims, Jews, And Christians) Thus making themselves appear to be us. Christians think they have been grafted onto the surname of the Lord through Jesus Christ lol sorry that is a Lie. Jews call them selves God's people even as the name of Jacob.. but this too is a Lie. Yah says that they have made Idols and this will not profit them.
Why does he say this, because Jesus is an Idol because his only begotten son was not white but black and his name is Yeshua Ha-Mashiach so they have created a false version of the true and only son of Yah. Finally he says they don't even realize it or they would feel ashamed. So Yah is telling us that the other religions are not of him even though they presume to be, and even they they say they have been grafted to him... yet what they say is not truth.
So to answer the question that the false religions can not answer... What Country is Mystery Babylon? Jeremiah 20:4 says "For thus saith the Lord, behold, I will make thee a terror to theyself, and to all they friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword." Judah in the bible are the so called African Americans brought to America with cargo ships as slaves.
So to answer the question... America is Mystery Babylon... and it will be judged by the most High for its mistreatment of his people. The Lord tells us in Joel 3;9 "Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare War, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up." Yes the Lord will deal with all the other nations for their part in the mistreatment of the Negroes race whom is Yah's chosen people but he will especially deal with America in the sight of all to show his power and Glory! Amen.
Written by:
Sekuma Z. Lambew
"Blessed is he that puts his faith in Yeshua Ha-Mashiach who died for Israel" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
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