Was this story really all about murder... or was there a deeper meaning to it? Well consider the plight of the poor? Many people who have much wealth can clearly see there is people without the basic needs like food or water or housing. But how many are moved to utilize their personal wealth to uplift others in poverty to a higher disposition?
Now you may say to yourself when you see that person on a street corner with a sign asking for money for food as bothersome, but to Yah we are to do to others as we would have them do onto us. So we should have empathy for those without and put ourselves in their shoes... would we not want others to help us if we found ourselves facing hard times?
Furthermore think of the rich country we live in America! This country takes resources and wealth from other countries in order to preserve our way of life while destroying others opportunities to enrich their lives. Its even worse then seeing a man on the corner with a sign asking for help, but pretending not to see him and driving past him. You know he has need but you refuse to meet his needs even though you can if you wanted too.
In America's case its like you see a man dressed well and you go up to him and rob him of all of his wealth. You take his wallet, his car, his good cloths, and beat him up for resisting you initially. You cause this man to be on the street begging for change because you stole all of his wealth and used it to buy your home... pay your car payments and feed your family... and when seeing him in the streets after you sent him there, you have the nerve to feel obligated when he asks you for spare change.
What do you think Yah will say to you if this describes you and how you react to the poor? Yah is all about using the little weak guy to put to shame the big strong one, so you know he cares about the widows and the poor people that society often times forgets. In fact when its time to judge every man according to his works... Yeshua makes a note to tell people they didn't feed him when he was hungry or help him when he was in need. As a reason to why they are being sent to Hell. So it shows you that so-called bum on the street corner could be Yeshua in disguise trying to see if you are willing to drop some change or not.
To think the cost of a cup of coffee or a chicken sandwich could be the difference between Heave or Hell? It blows the mind to consider that Yah looks at every decision we make concerning whom we chose to help and whom we chose to ignore. Is it too much to consider that maybe the wealth that one has was given to them for a purpose? Maybe Bill Gates got his Billions so that he could feed the homeless and give housing to those that desperately need it?
Yah speaks of this all throughout the bible with stories like Lazarus and the rich-man, you know the one where the poor man died at the gate of the rich man... the poor man goes to Heaven and the rich man suffers in Hell. When faced with the eternity of Hellfire the rich man wanted most was to warn his family about Hell so that they would not end up in the same place he did. All that wealth didn't amount to anything in comparison to ending up in Hell.
When comparing Heaven and Hell... its easy to see that Heaven is cheap, all it cost is faith and obedience to the Lord, But Hell is very expensive... it takes everything you own to buy your way into a place once your there nobody wants to remain. I mean you work your whole life to get wealth, women, and fame just to buy a one way ticket to eternal damnation... now that is costly.
So the next time you see that person on a street corner asking you for some change so that they can get something to eat.... don't turn and walk away or ignore them. Take it as a blessing... to help someone in need because you never know when times get hard and you may be the one asking for change. "Am I my brothers keeper?" You bet your bottom you are... if not you then who?
Written by;
Sekuma Z. Lambew
"Spare some change good sir... No? See you in Hell mother #$%^^&&1!" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
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