Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jesus Christ is the Name of the Beast not the son of God!

          Rev: 1;14 - 15 speaks of the color of Yeshua Ha-Mashaich and proves that he is black not white as the Christian Deception has presented the world.   Also with this false image of the son of God they also bring forth the name Jesus Christ?  We know in truth the name the Son of God was born with is the Hebrew name Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, so why do some of us hold on to the name Jesus Christ?
     The Roman Catholic Church created a false image of Yeshua and a false name for this image, so in coming into the truth of who Yeshua was in life we must reject the lies of the false man made religions to include the image and the name of their false Gods.  You can not reject the image of the beast (White Portrait of Yeshua) and hold on to its name Jesus Christ.  You can not separate the beast from its name, rejecting one while worshiping the other and think you are obeying Yah's commandments.
     "Thou shalt not make unto thyself any graven image!"  This commandment speaks of the making of false Gods also known as Idolatry.  But Idolatry is not just confined with graven images but also with Names of other Gods... like names of Demons ans so forth.  If you call upon the name of other Gods then surely you are breaking Yah's commandments as well.  
     "Thou shalt not have no other God before Me"  Thus says the Lord.  If you call upon the name of the beast Jesus Christ then indeed you are breaking this commandment.  The name of the son of Yah is Yeshua not Jesus.  Once you realize who you are as an Israelite and that the man made religions are false then the Holy Spirit will move you to reject in hole not just in part the teaching of the false Religions.  But if you won't stop believing in the false religious Doctrine, and worshiping their Gods of wood and stone then you are sinning against the true God Yah.
     Why am I saying this ... because it has been suggested that a person can follow the Laws Status and Commandments while identifying the son of God with the name Jesus Christ.  Yeshua Ha-Mashiach said, "You can not serve two masters for you will love one and despise the other."  In laymen's terms you can not serve Yeshua Ha-Mashiach and Jesus Christ for you will love one and despise the other.  
     It is clear that the Devil presented the false image of Yeshua a black man, as Jesus Christ a white man to deceive the world into worshiping him and not the true Messiah Yehsua Ha-Mashiach.  While he set up this false image he also gave it a name Jesus Christ... both these are false and should be rejected both the image of the beast and it's name!
     Surely the world recognizes the name Jesus Christ and many asleep brothers and sisters identify the son of God with the name Jesus Christ, but coming into this truth and teaching others in truth we must never deny Gods only begotten son's name Yeshua Ha-Mashiach and we must not fail to teach the sheep of the house of Israel the truth concerning the name of Yah's son and revealing the deception of Jesus Christ.
     We as a Nation must reject the Idols, crosses, crucifixes,Images of Jesus,prayer beeds/cloths/stones, ect, and the name of the beast Jesus Christ.  Only then can we honestly serve God correctly and obey his Laws, Status, and Commandments, because I dare say, if you hold on to any of the things mentioned in this document to include the name of the beast then you cannot be in adherence to Gods Laws, Status, and Commandments thus you would be in error.
     All I want is to be clear with my people who the Lord thy God Yah brings to this truth, that they know that Idols must be removed from your life in order to gain a relationship with Yeshua.  In order to serve him you must no longer serve the false Gods we have served for the last aprox 400 years.  We must be born again leaving behind the garbage of man made religion, even our own understanding, becoming empty and clean, so that the Lord can fill us with the truth and nothing but the truth that we may walk in truth not in error.

  "My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge!"  The Almighty God.

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