Obadiah 1;1 - 21 Foretells the destruction of the Edomite race for the crimes he has done against his brother Jacob. Obadiah 1;18, And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them: and there shall not be any remaining of he house of Esau: for the Lord Has Spoken It!"
Now because of time I am not going to write here the complete Book of Obadiah but have included a highlight you will have to just open the Kings James Bible... the 1600 addition and read it for yourselves. Remember nothing that Yah has said will come back void. If Yah has put it in his holy bible whether it is in the old or new Testament then surely it will come to pass why??? "For The Lord Has Spoken It!" Enough Said?
So Yah has in his plan the destruction of the Edomite race, so is there a heaven for an Edomite? Some Edomites are beginning to question the lies they have inherited from the world and ask us will they after death be allowed to go into Heaven? The answer is truth but not an answer to tingle their ears or to make them feel good, but truth is as it is written in the holy bible and is the judgement of Yah.
So in truth Edomites will fill the depths of Hell, that is their destiny spoken of in the book of Obadiah. For you crimes against Jacob, against the earth, and against God. That is why they are going to be cut off by great slaughter.. as it is described in Obadiah. Every White Man who is alive in that day shall parish off of the face of the earth why because that is the judgement of GOD as it is written in Obadiah. So it does not matter what anyone thinks about that ... what Yah has said shall come to be no getting around that. So to answer the white mans question... your days are numbered. And why would Yah wipe you from the face of the earth and then put you in Heaven?
So obviously that is a question that answer's itself. Now for the Edomite women... will their fate be exactly the same as their men? According to the word of God the nation of a people is held within the seed of the man not the women. So the Edomite race began with the birth of Esau & and it will end with his distruction. His seed was the Edomite Nation established and the extinction of his seed is how the Edomite Nation will be no more in existance. However one must note that the women... does not carry the seed of the Edomite Nation, thus even though the Edomite man will be destroyed to fulfill Obadiah's prophecy the female need not be.
When Yah destroys the White man off of the face of the earth the Edomite race will discontinue, and shall never rise again. However women produce babies after the seed of the man so a white women can still be useful in producing our Hebrew seed meaning the white women will not be destroyed from the face of the earth only the white man. The white women will be slaves to the Israelite Nation and will produce babies from the seed of Jacob. Per the Bible the Natural use of a women is to make babies... white women in that day will produce babies of our seed.
Isaiah 14;2 "And the People shall take them, and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel shall process them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaidens: and they shall take them captives, who's captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors." So as you can see those who have oppressed will be our slaves and we shall oppress them. When Hebrews was slaves in America the white man raped our wives and daughters... so you can bet these white women left over in the world will be taken as our slaves and will be forced to bare our children.
So for you white women who have never been with a Hebrew Man know this truth... you will become very experienced with us personally and you will love it... in that day! Isaiah 60;12 "For the Nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea those nations shall be utterly wasted." So anyone who refuses to serve us will be destroyed... nation or individuals. So the white women is going to serve her master on her hands and knees and that is just the truth! Now you see why Vengeance is the Lord's because no one can do it like him.
Isaiah 60;22 "A little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation; I the Lord will hasten it in his time." The Hebrew Nation is a small nation... but in that day when he comes and we rise he will give us 7 wives to one man and a great number of servants and slaves any and all of which we will take as bed warmers and they will bear our children. So our nation is going to go from being small... to great in number very quickly, and best believe the white women will be apart of our diversified bed warmers.
So in truth in that day, the Edomite women with no White men being left alive on the earth will be our property and will bear our black children our seed, and the Edomite Race will cease to exist forever thus saith the Lord. Those women will be spared from the fate of their Edomite Men's destruction by serving us vigorously in all of the ways we command them to in that day. This is the perfect Judgement of the Lord... those who took our wives as their bed warmers during slavery we will take their wives, daughters as bed warmers as they had done to us so shall we do to them.
However white women won't be our only slaves there will be other nations who are enslaved by us because they had a hand in American Slavery. We will have men and women of other nations as slaves as well. The other nations will flock to us and beg us to take them as slaves why? Because we are the only one's where Yeshua will reside and the only way to come close to him is through bondage of his people. That is the only way described in the bible... so now of course no one wants to be a slave but in that day of the Lord... you other nations will demand for us to enslave you, or face destruction.
Can the Edomite be redeemed? Ref: Hebrews 12;16 - 19 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. 17, For ye know that afterwards, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected; for he found no place of Repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. 18, For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest. 19, And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more."
This tells it all don't you think? Yah says that Esau/Edomite Nation will not be forgiven... even when they cry and beg Yah/Yeshua to forgive them, but he will not forgive them because of all that they have done to his people and to the world at large. The Lord has spoken it so it will not be changed. The only one who has a chance is the white women... through her submission to the authority of the Hebrew who will rule this world when Yeshua Returns Shalom.
"Don't you cry for that white women, though on her knees she at least has the potential to live among the people of Yah. When her nations perishes she shall survive and our children through her shall rule the world with Yeshua Ha-Mashiach for a thousand years." Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"
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The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Will Israelite's share the fate of Babylon when its day of wrath comes?
In the Dawn of our 400 year captivity in America the truth regarding the history of the so-called Afro Americans are beginning to burst out for all to see. We have learned that our true nationality is not African nor American but we are the seed of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, Israel, which means we are the Israelite's of the bible. Soon this information of who we are and were our true homeland resides will become mainstream news, but only after the curse has ended.
The curses of Deuteronomy 28;14 - 68 must be fulfilled before our history can be worldly accepted. Acts 7;6 gives us the time line of the curses... it reveals that our curse will be for exactly 400 years. This is said by the Lord himself so we are confident that once we reach 400 years in bondage while in America the curse will end and all that has been hidden from us and from the world will be speedily revealed.
This Revelation won't be a hidden one... but will be a public awakening and an earth shattering event that will spread all across the world. The Lord will not release us from our bondage in secret but in the open where none shall be able to deny the truth no longer. This event will take place in the year 2020, when Yah will burst open all the flood gates of who we are and where we come from and none will be able to hinder the release of this information no longer.
Then the Lord our God will gather us together... the exact number of whom he will gather of all the tribes of Israel has not been revealed, but what has been revealed is the exact number of Yah's elect out of the tribes of Israel and that number is 12,000 of every tribe and 144,000 in total will be sealed by Yah and will rule the congregation of Israel. This means the totel number of all that will be gathered together to include the elect,slaves,bondmen and bondwomen that will come out of America with us could possibly be numbered in the millions.
In Isaiah 14;1 - 6 Yah reveals whats going to happen once he has gathered us towards the end of our 400 year captivity in America. After the curses are fulfilled in the following year 2020 will assuredly be the year of our gathering and Exodus from the land of our captivity - America. Note: Our people have already began to gather in small groups even now, however the strong hand of the Lord will gather us and complete this gathering of all the seed of the house of Israel in 2020.
However, the trumpet of the lord will shout in that day as it has already begun to rang this day, but not all the children of Israel will adhere to this trumpet. Like the days of old our people are stiff necked and will ignore and refuse the call of the Lord. Now they may have their reasons why they will be rebellious against the Lords trumpet. But the penalty of their rebelliousness will unify them with the Gentiles and thus America's destruction will be theirs as well.
America will drink of the wrath of the Lord, all Hebrews who chose to not gather with the others and leave this country together with the children of Yah then those who make this final rebellious act will share the cup of Nuclear Destruction foretold in the book of Isaiah 25;5 "Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud; the branch of the terrible onces shall be brought low."
Jeremiah 23;3 - 8 "And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. 4, And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord.
5, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise undo David a righteous Branch, and a king shall reign and prosper, and shall execute Judgment and Justice in the Earth. 6, In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, The Lord Our Righteousness. (Yeshua) 7, Therefore, behold the days come, saith the Lord,that they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. 8, But, the Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, (America) and from all countries whiter I had driven them, and they shall dwell in their own land,"
So this part of the prophecy in the bible talks about what will happen with the Israelite's that currently are in America will adhere to the Trumpet of the Lord and will gather when he calls and follow him up out of this country prior to its destruction. And the fate of those Israelite's who refuse to leave their place of bondage will suffer the fate of the judgement that will come to this country upon our departure.
Why would someone who has the inheritance right at their finger tips refuse to obey the God of Heaven and Earth YAH? Sounds crazy, but in truth many will refuse why, because of the love of sin. See God demands his children to obey his Laws,Status, & Commandments. This is not an easy task for someone who loves sin and evil. You can't fake it to kick it with the Almighty. So they will refuse to go with Yah because of their desire to continually partake in the sins of Babylon.
However once the seed of Israel leaves the shore of this country the bombs will drop and fall to the end of this country. Those who are rebels against the Lord will be destroyed along with the Gentiles... the rats and animals and birds in this country will burn right along side of the people of Babylon. So it is clear that the reasons the rebels will have for not joining us are clear for their loyalty is with Satan but they shall not prosper... the Lord will swiftly bring their destruction.
"Those who exchange their salvation for destruction, their righteousness for wickedness, their life for death, will surely suffer most among those who suffer eternity." Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
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Join us at our youtube channel "The Lampshades Network" for movies our ministry and music videos, enjoy.
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Am I my brothers Keeper?
"Am I my brothers keeper?" The famous quote from Cane regarding the murder of his brother Able, when asked by Yah of his brothers whereabouts. Of course this answer did not appease God but provoked Him to announcing Cane's sins of killing his brother and pronouncement of Judgement against him. Cane then cried out that his punishment from God was too much to bear and Yah amended it slightly to make the punishment more bearable for him.
For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"
Was this story really all about murder... or was there a deeper meaning to it? Well consider the plight of the poor? Many people who have much wealth can clearly see there is people without the basic needs like food or water or housing. But how many are moved to utilize their personal wealth to uplift others in poverty to a higher disposition?
Now you may say to yourself when you see that person on a street corner with a sign asking for money for food as bothersome, but to Yah we are to do to others as we would have them do onto us. So we should have empathy for those without and put ourselves in their shoes... would we not want others to help us if we found ourselves facing hard times?
Furthermore think of the rich country we live in America! This country takes resources and wealth from other countries in order to preserve our way of life while destroying others opportunities to enrich their lives. Its even worse then seeing a man on the corner with a sign asking for help, but pretending not to see him and driving past him. You know he has need but you refuse to meet his needs even though you can if you wanted too.
In America's case its like you see a man dressed well and you go up to him and rob him of all of his wealth. You take his wallet, his car, his good cloths, and beat him up for resisting you initially. You cause this man to be on the street begging for change because you stole all of his wealth and used it to buy your home... pay your car payments and feed your family... and when seeing him in the streets after you sent him there, you have the nerve to feel obligated when he asks you for spare change.
What do you think Yah will say to you if this describes you and how you react to the poor? Yah is all about using the little weak guy to put to shame the big strong one, so you know he cares about the widows and the poor people that society often times forgets. In fact when its time to judge every man according to his works... Yeshua makes a note to tell people they didn't feed him when he was hungry or help him when he was in need. As a reason to why they are being sent to Hell. So it shows you that so-called bum on the street corner could be Yeshua in disguise trying to see if you are willing to drop some change or not.
To think the cost of a cup of coffee or a chicken sandwich could be the difference between Heave or Hell? It blows the mind to consider that Yah looks at every decision we make concerning whom we chose to help and whom we chose to ignore. Is it too much to consider that maybe the wealth that one has was given to them for a purpose? Maybe Bill Gates got his Billions so that he could feed the homeless and give housing to those that desperately need it?
Yah speaks of this all throughout the bible with stories like Lazarus and the rich-man, you know the one where the poor man died at the gate of the rich man... the poor man goes to Heaven and the rich man suffers in Hell. When faced with the eternity of Hellfire the rich man wanted most was to warn his family about Hell so that they would not end up in the same place he did. All that wealth didn't amount to anything in comparison to ending up in Hell.
When comparing Heaven and Hell... its easy to see that Heaven is cheap, all it cost is faith and obedience to the Lord, But Hell is very expensive... it takes everything you own to buy your way into a place once your there nobody wants to remain. I mean you work your whole life to get wealth, women, and fame just to buy a one way ticket to eternal damnation... now that is costly.
So the next time you see that person on a street corner asking you for some change so that they can get something to eat.... don't turn and walk away or ignore them. Take it as a blessing... to help someone in need because you never know when times get hard and you may be the one asking for change. "Am I my brothers keeper?" You bet your bottom you are... if not you then who?
Written by;
Sekuma Z. Lambew
"Spare some change good sir... No? See you in Hell mother #$%^^&&1!" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"
Visit us on our youtube channel.. "The Lampshades Network" for movies, music videos, teachings, ect and so much more enjoy.
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
Friday, April 11, 2014
Mystery Babylon Has Fallen!!!
Why does the bible call the identity of Babylon a Mystery? We are living in the last days and yet still no one seems to know what country is Babylon. Is this not curious to you... if Christianity is truth then why do they not know the simple Identity of Babylon even in these later days? The reason of course is that Christianity is Deceived and deceive the people of the world. They don't commune with the most high thus they do not know truth... the only nation he communes with is Israel. Ref: Deuteronomy 4;2 - 9.
Like of old the only one that can reveal to you the secrets of the bible/word of God is the people whom are the children of Yah whom the Laws was given to in the first place. Only they know Yah and are known by Yah... NO ONE ELSE. That is why Christianity and all other man made religions fall short of Yah's inspiration and knowledge of the Holy Word. They may have the bible but have no understanding to what it truly means... so they guess or all out lie concerning Yah and his son Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.
If you can't understand the word of Yah because you are not Israelite... then how would you know what the Christians tell you about the bible was Right or wrong? This is why in the bible it says that the world lives in darkness... because if you can't see then you can not differentiate Truth from Lies. The only way to see the truth is with Light!
Hebrews was suppose to be the light of the world... But we sinned against the most High who cursed us for 400 years. During that punishment the Gentiles took the scrolls of our people and attempted to take over the Ministry of The Lord. But this Ministry was never given to them... nor was they blessed to understand what the Lord's word truly says. They are blind and can not see, or they see but can not understand, why because Yah never gave them the right to know him and never will.
Now the non white male, Christians will be broken in the Great Tribulation that is spoken of in Revelations, and those Christians will submit to the truth about Yah being his chosen people will inherit this world and all nations will serve us... and those who shall be saved will only be so through servitude under the Hebrew Nation. Ref: Isaiah 60;12 & 14.
God will destroy all Edomites (White Men) Ref; Obadiah 1;1 - 26. This is one reason you should realize that the white man who created Christianity have no understanding of the book he stole from the children of Yah. How dumb can he be... stealing a book that convicts his race to destruction... so what does he do... tells the world Jesus died for the world... even though the Hebrews know that Yeshua died for our salvation not the worlds. Isaiah 22;18 - 25, Isaiah 27;1 - 6, Isaiah 33;22 and so much more that it would take me way too much time putting it all down.
However at the same time this is what he is going to tell you other Nations... Christians or otherwise! Isaiah 34;1 - 6. See no way Christianity understand the bible because they have no idea how they as Gentile Nations can be saved in the last days. The Rapture is a Lie!!! The Marriage between the Gentile Church and Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is another BIG Lie! Let me a Hebrew ... child of the most High tell you truth as only my people can. Those of us of course who obey Yah's Commandments/Statues/Laws. The Marriage that Yah is reffering too is talked about in Jeremiah 1;1 - 4 with the house of Israel. Not some deceived Gentile who knows not Yah.
But wait just to bush the paint about the Gentile/Heathens who have stolen our book and presume to attempt to teach us with the very book that was given to us by our GOD. Ref: Isaiah 40;15 - 17. This is our God telling you other nations just what he thinks of you in comparisen to his holy Children which you have enslaved. Yet he tells us Isaiah 41;14 that he so much loves us. But wait there's more... Yah Explains Isaiah 44;5 " One shall say; I am the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand onto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel. 9, They that make a graven image are all of them Vanity: and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed."
Do you see and yet not understand? Sigh? What this means is simple... God is calling out all those who think they can replace God's people since we are their captives. (Muslims, Jews, And Christians) Thus making themselves appear to be us. Christians think they have been grafted onto the surname of the Lord through Jesus Christ lol sorry that is a Lie. Jews call them selves God's people even as the name of Jacob.. but this too is a Lie. Yah says that they have made Idols and this will not profit them.
Why does he say this, because Jesus is an Idol because his only begotten son was not white but black and his name is Yeshua Ha-Mashiach so they have created a false version of the true and only son of Yah. Finally he says they don't even realize it or they would feel ashamed. So Yah is telling us that the other religions are not of him even though they presume to be, and even they they say they have been grafted to him... yet what they say is not truth.
So to answer the question that the false religions can not answer... What Country is Mystery Babylon? Jeremiah 20:4 says "For thus saith the Lord, behold, I will make thee a terror to theyself, and to all they friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword." Judah in the bible are the so called African Americans brought to America with cargo ships as slaves.
So to answer the question... America is Mystery Babylon... and it will be judged by the most High for its mistreatment of his people. The Lord tells us in Joel 3;9 "Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare War, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up." Yes the Lord will deal with all the other nations for their part in the mistreatment of the Negroes race whom is Yah's chosen people but he will especially deal with America in the sight of all to show his power and Glory! Amen.
Written by:
Sekuma Z. Lambew
"Blessed is he that puts his faith in Yeshua Ha-Mashiach who died for Israel" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"
Visit us at our youtube channel "The Lampshades Network"
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
Like of old the only one that can reveal to you the secrets of the bible/word of God is the people whom are the children of Yah whom the Laws was given to in the first place. Only they know Yah and are known by Yah... NO ONE ELSE. That is why Christianity and all other man made religions fall short of Yah's inspiration and knowledge of the Holy Word. They may have the bible but have no understanding to what it truly means... so they guess or all out lie concerning Yah and his son Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.
If you can't understand the word of Yah because you are not Israelite... then how would you know what the Christians tell you about the bible was Right or wrong? This is why in the bible it says that the world lives in darkness... because if you can't see then you can not differentiate Truth from Lies. The only way to see the truth is with Light!
Hebrews was suppose to be the light of the world... But we sinned against the most High who cursed us for 400 years. During that punishment the Gentiles took the scrolls of our people and attempted to take over the Ministry of The Lord. But this Ministry was never given to them... nor was they blessed to understand what the Lord's word truly says. They are blind and can not see, or they see but can not understand, why because Yah never gave them the right to know him and never will.
Now the non white male, Christians will be broken in the Great Tribulation that is spoken of in Revelations, and those Christians will submit to the truth about Yah being his chosen people will inherit this world and all nations will serve us... and those who shall be saved will only be so through servitude under the Hebrew Nation. Ref: Isaiah 60;12 & 14.
God will destroy all Edomites (White Men) Ref; Obadiah 1;1 - 26. This is one reason you should realize that the white man who created Christianity have no understanding of the book he stole from the children of Yah. How dumb can he be... stealing a book that convicts his race to destruction... so what does he do... tells the world Jesus died for the world... even though the Hebrews know that Yeshua died for our salvation not the worlds. Isaiah 22;18 - 25, Isaiah 27;1 - 6, Isaiah 33;22 and so much more that it would take me way too much time putting it all down.
However at the same time this is what he is going to tell you other Nations... Christians or otherwise! Isaiah 34;1 - 6. See no way Christianity understand the bible because they have no idea how they as Gentile Nations can be saved in the last days. The Rapture is a Lie!!! The Marriage between the Gentile Church and Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is another BIG Lie! Let me a Hebrew ... child of the most High tell you truth as only my people can. Those of us of course who obey Yah's Commandments/Statues/Laws. The Marriage that Yah is reffering too is talked about in Jeremiah 1;1 - 4 with the house of Israel. Not some deceived Gentile who knows not Yah.
But wait just to bush the paint about the Gentile/Heathens who have stolen our book and presume to attempt to teach us with the very book that was given to us by our GOD. Ref: Isaiah 40;15 - 17. This is our God telling you other nations just what he thinks of you in comparisen to his holy Children which you have enslaved. Yet he tells us Isaiah 41;14 that he so much loves us. But wait there's more... Yah Explains Isaiah 44;5 " One shall say; I am the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand onto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel. 9, They that make a graven image are all of them Vanity: and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed."
Do you see and yet not understand? Sigh? What this means is simple... God is calling out all those who think they can replace God's people since we are their captives. (Muslims, Jews, And Christians) Thus making themselves appear to be us. Christians think they have been grafted onto the surname of the Lord through Jesus Christ lol sorry that is a Lie. Jews call them selves God's people even as the name of Jacob.. but this too is a Lie. Yah says that they have made Idols and this will not profit them.
Why does he say this, because Jesus is an Idol because his only begotten son was not white but black and his name is Yeshua Ha-Mashiach so they have created a false version of the true and only son of Yah. Finally he says they don't even realize it or they would feel ashamed. So Yah is telling us that the other religions are not of him even though they presume to be, and even they they say they have been grafted to him... yet what they say is not truth.
So to answer the question that the false religions can not answer... What Country is Mystery Babylon? Jeremiah 20:4 says "For thus saith the Lord, behold, I will make thee a terror to theyself, and to all they friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword." Judah in the bible are the so called African Americans brought to America with cargo ships as slaves.
So to answer the question... America is Mystery Babylon... and it will be judged by the most High for its mistreatment of his people. The Lord tells us in Joel 3;9 "Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare War, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up." Yes the Lord will deal with all the other nations for their part in the mistreatment of the Negroes race whom is Yah's chosen people but he will especially deal with America in the sight of all to show his power and Glory! Amen.
Written by:
Sekuma Z. Lambew
"Blessed is he that puts his faith in Yeshua Ha-Mashiach who died for Israel" Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"
Visit us at our youtube channel "The Lampshades Network"
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
Sunday, April 6, 2014
The Road to Hell is wide... the road to salvation is small few will find it!
Acts 4;12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is the name of the son of God. Not Jesus Christ which was a name that the Catholic Church created so that the real name of Yah's only begotten son would no longer be spoken among men.
The only name that has the power to forgive sin is Yeshua Ha_Mashiach. So why is the road to damnation so wide if Yeshua died for the world as the Christian liars have said. Why is the road to salvation so small? It would seem that the Christian Jesus was not successful in his attempt to save the world... if more go to Hell and so few make it to Heaven.
In truth Yeshua did not die for the entire world but for the world of the Isrealite Nation. The Israelites of the bible fell away from Yah's Laws and commandments so badly that their whole society was in danger of Judgement and cast away from the presence of Yah forever. Yet Yah loved his people whom he exalted higher then any other nation so much that he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for their sins.
The nation of Israel will be redeemed and they will receive the inheritance that Yah has prepared for them since the very beginning. Ref: Matthew 1;21 "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Yeshua: for he shall save HIS PEOPLE from THEIR SINS." So it is very clear that Yeshua Ha-Mashiach died not for the whole world but for the people of Israel.
Ref: Matthew 15;24 "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Again this is the truth about Yeshua Ha-Mashiach. Christianity has lied to the world for so long that the world has believed the lies so readily. It was pleasing to their ears to hear that Yeshua died for all of their salvation... but it was a lie. Why would Yah want to save the world when his only love was Israel? The other nations never knew Yah and was not bound to following him.
Ref: Acts 3;19 - 26 If you have any dought who Yeshua died for... "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out,when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. 20, And he shall send Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, which before was preached unto YOU. (Israelites) 21, Whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his Holy prophets since the world began. 22, For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brothren, like unto me; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. (Mosses Lead his people out of Captivity and Yeshua will lead His people out of the bondage of Sin) 23, And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. (What people? The Jews that did not believe in Yeshua) 24, Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. 25, Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, and in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. 26, Unto you first God, having rasied up his son Yeshua, sent him to bless you, turning away every one of you from his iniquities.
It is clear with an honest review of the bible shows that Yeshua died for the salvation and restoration of the Israelite Nation. They was promised by Yah to rule the world forever and ever... and Yeshua died so that the Israelites could come back to Yah and inherit the Kingdom to come & and the other nations... will be ruled by the children of Yah if they refuse to serve us they will be destroyed! Ref: Isaiah 60;12 "For the Nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea those nations shall be utterly wasted."
What does Yah mean by the other nations will serve us??? Isaiah 60;14 clarifies the point. "The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despises thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, the city of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel!" Now you know the fate of the other Nations when Yeshua comes to set this world straight and to bring forth the forever Kingdom of the Israelite Nation. Amen.
Written by;
Sekuma Z. Lambew
"Who knows Hell better then those who are trapped therein? Then again dead men don't tell no tales." Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"
Please visit me on my youtube channel... "The Lampshades Network" for music videos, movies, preaching, and so much more enjoy!
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
The only name that has the power to forgive sin is Yeshua Ha_Mashiach. So why is the road to damnation so wide if Yeshua died for the world as the Christian liars have said. Why is the road to salvation so small? It would seem that the Christian Jesus was not successful in his attempt to save the world... if more go to Hell and so few make it to Heaven.
In truth Yeshua did not die for the entire world but for the world of the Isrealite Nation. The Israelites of the bible fell away from Yah's Laws and commandments so badly that their whole society was in danger of Judgement and cast away from the presence of Yah forever. Yet Yah loved his people whom he exalted higher then any other nation so much that he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for their sins.
The nation of Israel will be redeemed and they will receive the inheritance that Yah has prepared for them since the very beginning. Ref: Matthew 1;21 "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Yeshua: for he shall save HIS PEOPLE from THEIR SINS." So it is very clear that Yeshua Ha-Mashiach died not for the whole world but for the people of Israel.
Ref: Matthew 15;24 "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Again this is the truth about Yeshua Ha-Mashiach. Christianity has lied to the world for so long that the world has believed the lies so readily. It was pleasing to their ears to hear that Yeshua died for all of their salvation... but it was a lie. Why would Yah want to save the world when his only love was Israel? The other nations never knew Yah and was not bound to following him.
Ref: Acts 3;19 - 26 If you have any dought who Yeshua died for... "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out,when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. 20, And he shall send Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, which before was preached unto YOU. (Israelites) 21, Whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his Holy prophets since the world began. 22, For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brothren, like unto me; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. (Mosses Lead his people out of Captivity and Yeshua will lead His people out of the bondage of Sin) 23, And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. (What people? The Jews that did not believe in Yeshua) 24, Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. 25, Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, and in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. 26, Unto you first God, having rasied up his son Yeshua, sent him to bless you, turning away every one of you from his iniquities.
It is clear with an honest review of the bible shows that Yeshua died for the salvation and restoration of the Israelite Nation. They was promised by Yah to rule the world forever and ever... and Yeshua died so that the Israelites could come back to Yah and inherit the Kingdom to come & and the other nations... will be ruled by the children of Yah if they refuse to serve us they will be destroyed! Ref: Isaiah 60;12 "For the Nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea those nations shall be utterly wasted."
What does Yah mean by the other nations will serve us??? Isaiah 60;14 clarifies the point. "The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despises thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, the city of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel!" Now you know the fate of the other Nations when Yeshua comes to set this world straight and to bring forth the forever Kingdom of the Israelite Nation. Amen.
Written by;
Sekuma Z. Lambew
"Who knows Hell better then those who are trapped therein? Then again dead men don't tell no tales." Quoted by Sekuma Z. Lambew
For More Israelite Truth subscribe to my youtube channel "sekuma08"
Please visit me on my youtube channel... "The Lampshades Network" for music videos, movies, preaching, and so much more enjoy!
The Lampshades Blood Moon Saga Completed Series:
End of Days Current Events
The Lampshades Bible Study Series
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